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This page is all about downloading and how to install IDMGCEXT.CRX for Chrome browser in Windows. IDM is a very handy and useful internet download manager to download online stuff.

Most Chrome users are using IDM downloaders to download stuff from the internet. Mostly in Google Chrome browser, Opera, and others respectively. To integrate IDM into your Chrome using Chrome extensions. You have to download idmgcext. crx for this integration.

So let’s have a look at the entire article and get the free download link of idmgcext. crx. Sometimes you have to install a fresh one for your IDM. Either when facing some errors and IDM is now working for an issue. To fix this and to re-authenticate, this is required.

How to Install idmgcext. CRX?

First of all, download the IDMgcext.Crx (Chrome Extention) file from the link on this page.

It is a lightweight file of less than one MB So it will be complete within a moment.

Now extract these files as it is in ZIP format. (For extract you can use UNzip or WinRAR) programs on Windows.

Windows 10 users do this using its features. Just right-click on the IDMgcerxt.Crx file after its download. You can see the extract of all the options there. Check the below screenshot as well to better understand.

After this enables the developer’s mode to turn and load unpacked extensions.

Now select the Idmgcext.Crx folder. After the folder is extracted by using your Windows Extract all features. It looks like the screenshot you can see in the image underneath.

Select the okay button to install the IDM extension for your Chrome. This is the IDM CRX file which is already located in the IDM directory. You can go there to find it out or you can simply download it from this download link right now.